2017 Holiday Gift Guide – For The Momma Friend


Can you believe Thanksgiving is next week? We're doing lots of traveling over the next few weeks instead of over Christmas so I need to take my own gift guide advice and get started on holiday shopping...

Next up: The Momma Friend

For the mom-to-be, new mom, toddler mom, twin mom or puppy mom. 

2017 Holiday Gift Guide - Momma - Green Tie Studio

ONEBoutonne Half Moon Crossbody to carry snacks and pacifiers in style

TWOMUR Handwoven Baby Blanket for over the carseat or as a feeding cover

THREEWorthwhile Paper Yoga Pants Pin so no one is ever surprised by her attire

FOURNisolo Plane Ring a simple, goes-with-everything style

FIVEHeather Day x Saje Diffuser a fun nursery addition - a work of art itself

SIXR. Riveter Wool Zipper Pouch • to stash boogie wipes and paci clips inside the diaper bag

SEVEN • Minted Adult Apron for Mommy-and-Me cookie baking

EIGHTMinted Children's Apron because little people make big messes

NINEMelanie Abrantes Cork Bowl to hold teddy grahams around the house or on the go

TENApolis City Market Bag as a "holds everything from onesies to wine" carryall

ELEVENLetterfolk Abridged Journal to keep track of moments big and small

TWELVEViklund Made Custom Portrait as a framed cubicle reminder of her most important job

THIRTEENErin Diane Tassel Studs to dress up a playdate outfit without being too dangly

FOURTEENW&P Design Brew Set because sleep deprivation