It's Okay Part Two - Your Responses


A few weeks ago I shared a blog post about not having it all together. January can be a brutal month (we made it out alive guys!) and even though I really appreciate goal setting and progress, it can all feel a bit much. Turns out, you all feel the same way. When I shared the post on Instagram, I asked if you'd share with me the things you are letting go of and the response was incredible. Hundreds of you messaged me saying that it made you feel less alone and if I can have that sort of impact on even one soul, then this is worth sharing further.In an effort to create solidarity, here are all the ways you beautiful people are freeing yourself from the pursuit of perfection. We're all better for it.


It's okay to not have big plans every weekend.

It's okay to leave a job I'm really good at to grow in a new career.

It's okay to not be perfect (but be a perfectionist).

It's okay to have those "extra" 5-10 pounds. They're not extra.

It's okay to have debt.

It's okay to not know everything.

It's okay to not wash my bra a lot. (this was a crowd fav)

It's okay that I'm a single mom of a little black girl. We are thriving. We are more than a statistic.

It's okay that I can't seem to catch up on cleaning. Ever.

It's okay to take this vacation even if I have debt.

It's okay to say no to work projects.

It's okay that I can't remember the last time I showered daily since I had my now-2-year-old.

It's okay to struggle with finances while finding a career I'm passionate about.

It's okay to not be a "perfect" mama.

It's okay to enjoy a job that pays less when I really could be doing more.

It's okay to let my older son watched too much TV while I'm still adjusting to a new baby.

It's okay that my worth as a CEO is not the hours I sit in my office. My magic can happen other places

.It's okay that I'm not a "creative" or an "influencer".

It's okay that I'm not "the best" teacher ever. My lessons aren't always Instagram-worthy.

It's okay that I have a baby that is sometimes inconsolable.

It's okay to be making it up as I go.

It's okay to let go of toxic and harmful people - even if they're family.

It's okay to lose a friendship as long as you fought as hard as you could for it.

It's okay argue with friends.

It's okay to not have a partner.

It's okay to not know what I want out of life.

It's okay that I pay someone to care for my child during the day so I can work.

It's okay that I'm nowhere close to being the mom or business owner represented freely on Instagram.

It's okay that my business runs at an accounting loss every year and that I feel like my son and business are in competition - despite my best efforts to do both well.

It's okay that mothering has not come naturally to me.

It's okay that I have a chubby tummy. It doesn't define me - I am so much more than that.

It's okay to have a successful corporate job and not be a stay at home mom.

It's okay that I don't feel good when everyone else seems full and happy. I'll take care of me first.

It's okay to let go of the hustle and busy and focus more on the things that matter

.It's okay to work 30-35 hours per week and make less money.

It's okay to have debt and still buy some wine.

It's okay to still be upset over a 6 year relationship ending even though it was months ago.

It's okay to be wallowing in self pity that maternity leave is coming to an end.

It's okay to stay at home with my baby and let my business stay small.

It's okay that it took me until 36 to get my degree.

It's okay that my 5 year relationship ended almost a year ago and that I'm still nowhere near ready to date again.

It's okay to give up on well thought-out meal plans.

It's okay that I didn't finish college.

It's okay to be single and happy and not need or want someone else right now.

It's okay that I'm comforting my newborn overnight. I'm not ruining his sleep habits.

It's okay that closure comes in waves and that it takes time.It's okay to not feel bad about wanting an identity outside of motherhood.

It's okay to be 32 and single

.It's okay that I still don't know if switching to part time vs. full time was the "right" decision.

It's okay to not post regularly to my feed, send newsletters or create blog posts.

It's okay not to hustle to the point of breaking. I can work hard and relax and be okay with that.

It's okay I'm no longer considered the "high achiever" of my friend group or family.

It's okay to do things differently with my baby

.It's okay that I'm sad about dating culture and being single.

It's okay that I'm a terrible cook.

It's okay to be the young one in the group.

It's okay to be protective of my time with my husband.

It's okay to take time to grieve after loss instead of trying to immediately bounce back.

It's okay that I look different at 27 weeks pregnant than other women might.

It's okay that my Instagram enagagemt dropped after I took maternity leave.

It's okay that I paused my career to be just (ha!) a stay at home mom

.It's okay to not have kids yet.

It's okay to hate cooking.

It's okay to not own a home yet.

It's okay that I'm not thin.

It's okay that I have debt.

It's okay to eat chocolate pretty much every day.

It's okay to let go of who and how I used to be. 

If you're just now jumping on the "it's okay" train, tell me - what are you letting go of? We're all in this together.